About Kim Wainwright

Hi! My name is Kim Wainwright. I’m a guitar addict! I’ve been playing guitar since the 1970s, performing since the 1980s, and teaching since the 1990s. I’m a professional guitar player and teacher – it’s all I do! For many years, I’ve brought the joy of playing guitar to thousands of students, and I decided to make this website so I can help many more just like you!

More resources are available today than ever to help you learn to play the guitar. YouTube has endless hours of great tutorials. There is an exponentially growing number of music apps. Almost any song you can think of has been transcribed for guitar and is available if you dig deep enough.

And therein lies a problem! Where do you start? Which tutorial is the right one for you? There’s too much choice! Many of my private students told me on day one that they had started learning on YouTube but gave up because there was no direction or pathway forward, so they came to me for lessons.

They wanted some sort of structure, coupled with feedback from a knowledgeable instructor, instead of blindly taking a stab in the dark and hoping for the best. That makes sense, but what a waste of a wonderful resource! Wouldn’t it be good to have those hours of great guitar tutorials organized and the right ones delivered to you in bite-sized pieces?

The good news is that you can! That’s why I built this website!

Here, I’ve adopted a similar principle that I use with my private one-on-one students. First things first – music is personal. Guitar playing means many things to many people, so what’s suitable for Joe Bloggs might be different for you. I ask my new students a bunch of questions, such as: What are your favourite genres? Fav artists? How long have you been playing? What do you want to learn?

That sets up a starting point and a pathway forward that is both enjoyable and achievable. As you move along that pathway, I’ll be there to guide you, sort out any problems, offer advice, and add guitar video lessons to your playlist based on your feedback. I can also give you access to other resources such as guitar tabs, sheet music, chord diagrams, apps, blog posts, or anything relevant.

Of course, musical tastes change, and as we’re not chained to a book or locked into a course, we can change too! There are many styles of guitar playing, and plenty of talented guitar instructors offer an abundance of free video lessons in a style that’s right for you.

So, you can peruse the guitar video lessons catalogued neatly on this website under ‘Songs’, ‘Genres’, and ‘Techniques’, or register for free and get the right ones delivered straight to you in a manageable timeframe! By the way, there’s no algorithm or AI robot doing all the work in the background here. Just a human like you!

Register here for free!